Test benches for electric motors
Designed for testing to confirm the nominal values of parameters and basic operational characteristics:
- characteristics of the electric motor at idle
- indications at rated load
- indications at short-term overcurrent
- characteristics of the housing insulation
- measurement of the resistance of the stator windings between phases
- vibration measurement with spectrum decomposition to assess the wear of electrical machine components
RUBRUKS company is engaged in the design and production of electric machines, power supply and energy storage systems, systems and components of hybrid and electric vehicles, robotic complexes for special purposes, as well as test benches for electric machines and storage devices, including stands designed for testing electric motors, batteries, as well as mobile test benches.
Both the creation of prototypes and serial production of products are implemented at our site.
What are test benches for?
Tests of electric motors are designed to confirm the suitability of the units for operation, to predict the degree of its reliability and estimated operating time, to confirm compliance with the declared characteristics.
Test benches for electric motors are used for testing during the shipment or acceptance of new units, acceptance measures after the repair of electric motors, removal of the characteristics of the electric motor at idle, readings at rated load, readings at short-term overcurrent, housing insulation characteristics, resistance measurements of the stator windings between phases, vibration measurements with spectrum decomposition for evaluation deterioration of electrical machine components.
Such measurements are necessary when carrying out acceptance and acceptance tests during the release of engines from production and after repair, testing during operation, testing of engines during commissioning and maintenance, checking during installation and maintenance of electrical installations at the place of their operation at electric power enterprises, other industries.
Requirements for diagnostic tools suitable for checking and servicing electric motors:
- Mobility.
- Easy to connect.
- Reliability of the definition and identification of the fault area.
- Possibility of application for different types and models of electric motors
- Ability to work directly during operation
- RUBRUKS are ready to perform OCD, including special purpose in the shortest possible time
- RUBRUKS uses materials and components mainly from domestic manufacturers and suppliers.
- RUBRUKS provide support throughout the entire product lifecycle.
- RUBRUKS uses a systematic approach in the organization of all developments and production.
- RUBRUKS provide support throughout the entire product lifecycle.
- RUBRUKS specialists will help determine the choice and develop a test bench for testing turnkey electric motors.
Buy test benches for checking electric motors
On the development and purchase of stands for testing electric motors, You can contact us directly. To do this, click the button below. The RUBRUKS team will answer all your questions.